레이블이 Is DeVry University Accredited인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Is DeVry University Accredited인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

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About 'university accredited'|Get an accredited University degree!

About 'university accredited'|Get an accredited University degree!

The               entry               level               professional               program               at               USC               is               a               two               year               program               aimed               to               prepare               the               student               for               a               career               in               occupational               therapy.

All               occupational               therapy               programs               offered               by               USC               are               accredited               by               the               AOTA,               the               American               Occupational               Therapy               Association.

In               addition               to               the               entry               level               MOT               program,               USC               offers               a               variety               of               occupational               therapy               and               occupational               science               programs               for               professionals               and               researchers               at               different               stages               of               their               careers.

For               example,               a               one               year               master's               program               is               available               for               practicing               therapists.

Doctorate               of               Occupational               Therapy               and               Ph.

D               of               Occupational               Science               programs               are               also               available               (USC               website               information,               p.


The               availability               of               these               options               is               very               logical               as               prospective               entry               level               students               would               not               be               expected               to               compete               with               practicing               occupational               therapists               for               admission.

Surprisingly,               USC               is               one               of               the               few               universities               that               offer               such               a               variety               of               occupational               therapy               programs.

This               paper               will               focus               only               on               the               two               year               entry               level               MOT               program               as               it               is               most               relevant               for               students               with               a               bachelor's               degree               not               in               Occupational               Therapy.
               The               first               year               of               this               program               will               provide               students               with               the               necessary               tools               and               knowledge               to               become               a               general               practitioner               in               occupational               therapy.

In               their               second               year,               students               will               be               able               to               choose               elective               courses               that               focus               on               a               specialty               area               of               interest               (USC               website               information,               p.


Specialty               areas               include               pediatrics,               lifestyle               redesign,               mental               health,               and               physical               disabilities               (USC               website               information,               p.


USC               also               offers               a               comprehensive               exam               option               as               an               alternative               to               the               thesis               option               for               completion               of               the               program.

The               comprehensive               option               begins               in               the               summer               session               of               the               academic               year               and               spans               through               fall               and               spring               semesters               of               the               subsequent               two               years;               in               addition,               two               additional               summer               session               must               be               completed.
               The               thesis               option               has               a               similar               course               sequence;               however,               in               order               to               complete               the               thesis,               one               or               two               extra               semesters               might               be               required               (USC               website               information,               p.


The               graduate               program               offered               at               the               University               of               Southern               California               for               occupational               therapy               gives               a               positive               first               impression.

The               program               appears               organized,               diverse,               academically               challenging,               and               deserving               of               being               named               the               top               occupational               therapy               department               in               the               country               by               U.S.

News               &               World               Report               (USC               website               information,               p.

               By               contrast,               Loma               Linda               University               offers               a               three               year               Master¡¦s               of               Occupational               Therapy               program               also               accredited               by               the               AOTA.

Two               entry               level               Master's               degree               programs               and               one               post               professional               Master's               program               are               available               at               Loma               Linda.

The               first               entry               level               Master's               program               will               allow               the               student               to               graduate               with               both               a               bachelor               of               science               in               Health               Science               and               a               Master's               of               Occupational               Therapy.

The               second               entry               level               program               is               similar               to               the               first               option;               however,               graduates               will               graduate               with               a               Master's               of               Occupational               Therapy               only.

Both               of               these               options               require               three               years               of               course               work               to               complete               (LLU               Application,               p.


The               curriculum               for               both               programs               are               similar               except               for               the               religion               requirement               needed               in               the               bachelor               degree               inclusive               Master's               program.

The               Master's               program               offer               extensive               general               courses               in               occupational               therapy               but               do               not               offer               any               specializations               (LLU               Application,               p.


The               first               year               of               the               program               will               emphasize               basic               biological               and               psychological               education.
               The               second               year               of               the               program               will               deal               more               with               case               management,               administration,               and               fieldwork               experience.

Lastly,               the               third               year               will               involve               research               and               program               planning               (LLU               Application,               p.


One               interesting               thing               about               LLU               is               that               they               are               a               Christian               oriented               university.

(LLU               Application               p.

4)               Therefore,               Christians               might               find               the               Christian               environment,               staff,               and               ethical               standards               offered               by               the               university               attractive.

However,               being               in               a               Christian               oriented               university               might               not               provide               experience               with               a               diverse               population               that               an               occupational               therapist               would               normally               experience.

The               Master's               program               offered               by               LLU               appears               to               be               academically               challenging               and               should               provide               a               good               occupational               therapy               background               for               those               pursuing               a               career               in               that               profession.
               The               prerequisites               required               by               both               universities               for               admission               are               similar.

Both               universities               require               a               3.0               GPA               from               an               accredited               college               or               university,               three               letters               of               recommendations,               transcripts,               and               one               essay               (USC               website               information,               p.

8,               LLU               Application,               21).

Several               prerequisite               courses               are               also               required               by               both               universities.

Prerequisite               courses               include               human               anatomy               with               laboratory               and               physiology               with               laboratory.

USC               also               requires               courses               in               general,               abnormal,               and               developmental               psychology               and               sociology               (USC               website               information,               p.


LLU               requires               courses               in               physics,               and               chemistry               or               math               (LLU               Application,               12).
               While               USC               requires               applicants               to               complete               the               GRE               with               a               score               of               1000               on               the               verbal               and               quantitative               sections,               LLU               does               not               require               any               GRE               testing               at               all.

However,               LLU               requires               applicants               to               complete               a               minimum               of               forty               hours               of               community               service               preferably               in               an               occupational               therapy               setting.

In               addition,               LLU               applicants               must               also               complete               infant               and               adult               CPR               training               as               a               prerequisite.

Many               other               classes               are               required               for               those               who               wish               to               enter               the               LLU               program               that               would               award               a               Bachelor¡¦s               and               a               Master¡¦s               degree               (LLU               Application,               p.


In               terms               of               applications,               USC               require               both               a               copy               of               the               graduate               study               application               and               a               completed               departmental               application               to               be               submitted               (USC               website               information,               p.


LLU               requires               a               completed               application               along               with               personal               statement               questions               to               be               submitted.
               Both               application               processes               are               reasonable;               however,               the               USC               application               requires               slightly               less               materials               to               be               submitted               and               has               a               later               application               deadline               than               LLU.
               Tuition               and               costs               for               both               schools               are               expensive.

For               LLU,               tuition               costs               approximately               $24,180               per               year.

The               total               tuition               for               the               three               year               program               would               equal               $72,540.

The               yearly               tuition               for               USC               is               approximately               $28,694               per               year.

However,               because               the               Master's               program               is               only               two               years,               the               total               tuition               would               total               $57,388.

LLU               did               not               offer               much               information               on               financial               aid               in               their               information               packets.

USC,               however,               sent               a               detailed               packet               regarding               costs               and               financial               aid.

Beside               the               federal               financial               aid               offered               through               FAFSA,               USC               offers               various               types               of               award.

These               awards               include               department               teaching               assistantships,               department               tuition               scholarships,               department               student               worker,               and               other               scholarships               (USC               scholarship               packet,               p.

               The               award               amount               for               these               awards               can               range               anywhere               from               $1000               to               the               full               tuition               amount.

Aside               from               scholarships               and               aid               offered               by               the               university,               there               are               also               several               scholarships               from               organizations               administered               through               USC               such               as               the               Asian               Pacific               American               support               group               scholarship               and               the               Skull               and               Dagger               foundation               scholarship               (USC               scholarship               packet,               p.


Lastly,               awards               and               resources               administered               through               outside               agencies               are               also               available.

These               scholarships               range               anywhere               from               $500               to               $4000               and               include               awards               from               organizations               such               as               the               Association               for               Health               Education               and               the               American               Occupational               Therapy               Foundation               (USC               scholarship               packet,               p.


A               wide               variety               of               financial               aid               is               available               for               students               attending               USC;               LLU               students               should               be               able               to               obtain               federal               as               well               as               private               financial               aid               similar               to               that               of               USC.

However,               the               big               difference               is               that               USC               offers               more               financial               aid               through               the               university               than               LLU.
               In               terms               of               faculty,               USC               boasts               a               more               recognized               and               diverse               faculty               including               members               such               as               Florence               Clark,               who               innovated               the               occupational               therapy               field               known               as               lifestyle               redesign,               Diane               Parham,               and               Jane               Goodall               (USC               faculty               listing).

As               for               the               curriculum,               both               school               offers               general               occupational               therapy               classes               that               includes               kinesiology,               neurology,               physical               and               mental               dysfunctions,               research               methods,               and               clinical               practice.

However,               the               LLU               curriculum               includes               more               medical               and               health               related               courses               such               as               medical               terminology,               pathology,               and               pharmacology               (LLU               application,               p.


In               addition,               LLU               requires               classes               such               as               business               topics               in               health               care               and               advanced               occupational               therapy               history               to               produce               a               well               rounded               curriculum               (LLU               application,               p.


By               contrast,               the               USC               curriculum               includes               only               one               class               of               medical               lectures               and               no               classes               involving               business               and               history.

However,               the               USC               curriculum               tends               to               focus               on               the               specialty               fields               of               occupational               therapy               and               provide               a               wide               variety               of               occupational               therapy               electives.

Student               are               able               to               choose               from               elective               classes               such               as               adaptation               and               disability,               craft               to               computer,               sensory               integration               theory,               school               based-practice,               and               many               more               (USC               occupational               therapy               brochure).

In               terms               of               on               hands               experience,               the               LLU               curriculum               requires               students               to               have               12               quarter               units               of               fieldwork               experience               in               their               second               year               (LLU               application,               p.


USC               requires               students               to               take               two               12               week               clinical               internships               beginning               the               summer               sections               of               each               year               (USC               website               information,               p.


Both               universities               appear               to               provide               good               opportunities               for               hands               on               clinical               experience               in               their               curriculums.

A               unique               feature               of               the               LLU               program               is               that               one               year               of               research               in               is               required               as               part               of               the               curriculum;               USC               does               not               have               a               similar               requirement               but               do               offer               research               opportunities               if               the               student               desires.

The               curriculums               for               both               universities               are               very               well               planned               and               should               be               effective               in               properly               training               occupational               therapists.
               Graduation               requirements               differ               slightly               for               both               universities.

At               USC,               one               must               complete               20               units               of               occupational               therapy               coursework.

In               addition,               master               thesis               students               must               complete               four               units               of               electives,               four               units               of               thesis               coursework               and               an               approved               master               thesis.

Comprehensive               exam               students               must               complete               twelve               elective               units,               eight               of               which               must               be               within               the               department;               they               must               also               pass               the               comprehensive               exam               with               a               passing               score.

Students               who               graduate               are               able               to               take               the               NBCOT               exam               as               long               as               they               complete               their               fieldwork               requirement.

LLU               students               must               complete               a               total               of               145               quarter               units               of               coursework               as               well               as               their               thesis               in               order               to               graduate.

LLU               students               will               also               be               eligible               to               take               the               NBCOT               exam               upon               graduation.
               Occupational               therapy               is               an               increasingly               diverse               and               exciting               field.

New               ideas               to               help               needy               individuals               live               a               normalized               and               more               productive               life               are               being               produced               everyday.

Finding               a               graduate               program               that               teaches               the               basic               foundations               as               well               as               the               growing               trends               of               occupational               therapy               is               crucial               to               ensure               one¡¦s               success               as               an               effective               occupational               therapist.

USC               has               a               slight               advantage               by               having               a               larger               and               more               active               OT               department               that               is               able               to               focus               on               all               the               latest               research               and               methods               available.

However,               both               LLU               and               USC               offer               excellent               programs               to               prepare               and               train               future               occupational               therapists.
               Work               Cited:
               Loma               Linda               SAHP               Occupational               Therapy               Department.

Retrieved               July               1,               2008               from               Loma               Linda               website:               http://www.llu.edu/llu/sahp/ot/
               Loma               Linda               University.


Application               to               the               Master's               of               Occupational               Therapy               program
               Occupational               Science               and               occupational               therapy.

Retrieved               July               1,               2008,               from               USC               website:               http://www.usc.edu/schools/ihp/ot/
               University               of               Southern               California.


USC               Scholarship               Packet.

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