2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Estela Dangerfield 's blog ::A Quick Discussion of Online Masters Degrees

Estela Dangerfield 's blog ::A Quick Discussion of Online Masters Degrees

It               used               to               be               that               when               one               thought               of               earning               a               degree,               whether               undergraduate,               master's,               or               beyond,               the               choices               were               limited               to               brick-and-mortar               colleges               and               universities               with               demanding               schedules               that               required               a               lot               of               your               time               and               very               little               flexibility.

But               with               the               transient               and               global               nature               of               many               lifestyles               today,               online               degrees               are               becoming               more               and               more               recognized               as               legitimate               options               for               education,               both               by               students               and               employers.

Whether               you               want               to               teach               abroad               while               earning               an               advanced               degree,               go               to               college               while               living               abroad               as               part               of               the               military,               or               just               like               the               idea               of               studying               while               experiencing               a               global               lifestyle,               it's               easier               than               ever               before               to               obtain               your               online               degree               while               living               overseas.

The               following               tips               will               help               you               navigate               this               process               so               that               you               make               the               best               decisions               possible               when               choosing               to               receive               your               online               degree               while               abroad.

Choose               the               Online               Degree               Program               That               Best               Fits               Your               Lifestyle               
               No               two               online               degree               programs               are               exactly               alike;               schools               and               majors               vary               widely,               as               do               differences               between               online               undergraduate               and               graduate               degrees.

If               you               are               earning               your               master's               degree               abroad               or               getting               any               type               of               continuing               education               abroad,               chances               are               that               there               may               be               some               off-line               requirements               including               real-world               experiences               (this               can               apply               to               undergraduate               work               in               certain               fields               as               well).

For               instance,               if               you               are               pursuing               any               type               of               education               degree,               you               may               have               to               log               practicum               hours               as               well               as               a               semester               of               student               teaching.

Since               many               people               teach               abroad               while               getting               an               advanced               degree               online,               you               may               be               able               to               use               the               hours               you're               teaching               to               fulfill               these               requirements               through               the               headship               of               a               local               advisor.

If               the               off-line               hours               you               need               must               be               completed               on               US               soil,               make               sure               you               account               for               that               by               either               completing               any               off-line               requirements               before               you               leave               or               scheduling               a               break               or               two               to               complete               them               during               the               time               you're               earning               your               online               degree               abroad.
               Also               check               to               see               if               any               real-time               online               components               are               necessary               for               your               program.

Most               online               degree               programs               just               require               postings,               but               if               yours               demands               live               chats               with               your               professor               and               class,               this               could               mean               you               having               to               get               up               at               3am               to               attend               class,               which               is               not               an               attractive               option.

Thoroughly               check               these               requirements               before               you               sign               up;               not               all               programs               labeled               "online"               truly               fit               that               description.
               Make               Allowances               for               Class               Textbooks               and               Materials               You               May               Need               
               Certain               countries               are               better               places               for               receiving               mail               and               supplies               than               others.

A               major               European               city               is               a               much               simpler               place               to               have               textbooks               and               materials               shipped               than               a               remote               jungle               in               Africa.

Take               into               account               where               you'll               be               living               abroad               while               completing               your               online               education,               as               well               as               if               you'll               be               moving               around               or               staying               in               one               locale               throughout               the               completion               of               your               degree.

Research               the               materials               you'll               need               throughout               the               program,               from               textbooks               to               lab               supplies,               and               make               sure               that               you               either               purchase               them               before               leaving               and               take               them               with               you               or               that               you               can               easily               buy               them               where               you               live               or               have               them               shipped               to               you               when               you               need               them.

You               don't               want               to               pay               money               for               an               online               degree               just               to               find               that               you               cannot               access               the               materials               needed               to               complete               the               program.
               Familiarize               Yourself               with               Online               Research               Methods               
               Depending               on               where               you'll               be               living               while               earning               your               online               degree               overseas,               you               may               or               may               not               have               access               to               libraries               and               physical               methods               of               research.

Fortunately,               many               journals               and               other               publications               are               now               online,               making               research               over               the               internet               easier               than               ever               before.

You               may               have               to               pay               a               fee               to               subscribe               to               certain               online               publications,               but               this               is               a               small               trade-off               for               going               to               college               or               earning               a               master's               degree               abroad.

Before               you               leave,               make               sure               you               familiarize               yourself               with               the               various               online               research               methods               available               to               you,               and               check               with               your               future               professors               or               academic               advisor               to               make               sure               the               research               methods               you               choose               are               recognized               as               legitimate               sources               for               your               classes.

You               do               not               want               to               have               your               first               major               assignment               due               with               no               way               to               complete               it,               so               doing               some               advanced               training               before               you               go               will               pay               off               well               in               the               long               run,               making               your               online               experience               that               much               more               enjoyable               and               stress-free.
               Scrutinize               Your               Options               as               if               You               Were               Living               in               the               US               
               In               the               excitement               of               planning               to               obtain               your               degree               while               living               overseas,               don't               jump               at               any               old               program               you               see.

There               are               many               options               available               for               online               degrees,               so               be               just               as               picky               as               if               you               were               living               in               the               US.

Check               for               qualities               like               the               school's               accreditation,               the               credit               hours               needed               to               complete               the               program,               the               overall               cost               (including               the               fees               for               shipping               texts               and               materials               to               your               location),               and               the               school               and               program's               reputation               both               online               and               with               future               employers               and               organizations               you               wish               to               work               for               and               associate               yourself               with.

Use               this               helpful               checklist               to               narrow               your               options               when               choosing               an               online               degree               so               that               you               get               the               best               experience               possible.

Part               of               the               reason               you're               pursuing               this               degree               is               to               broaden               your               career               options               and               earning               potential,               so               you               want               to               make               sure               you               get               the               best               education               you               can               for               the               circumstances               you're               in               the               field               you               wish               to               enter               or               advance               in.
               If               you               use               the               above               tips               to               take               your               time               and               thoughtfully               plan               your               online               degree               experience               while               living               abroad,               you               should               have               an               amazing               experience               with               the               best               of               all               worlds.

If               you               have               more               questions,               talk               to               someone               who's               done               it               before;               this               first-person               account               from               someone               who               earned               his               Ph.D.

in               School               Psychology               while               living               abroad               in               countries               such               as               China,               Saudi               Arabia,               Thailand,               New               Zealand,               and               more               is               a               helpful               reference               point,               just               click               here               to               read               more.
               For               more               on               earning               your               online               degree:               
               The               Pros               and               Cons               of               Getting               an               Online               Degree               
               Earning               Your               Accounting               Certification               Online               
               Online               Education               for               a               Career               in               Security               Management               
               Online               Retail               Management               Degree               Program               Course               Offerings               
               Online               Hospitality               and               Tourism               Degree               Program               Course               Offerings               
               Online               Accredited               International               Business               Degree               Programs

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