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In a recent article by a militant Atheist fundamentalist we have a typical attack on civilization designed to poison people's minds against Christianity. In any other context the two writers would be considered bigoted, but as long as it's directed against Christians, it's OK! The principal writer, Ventra, located in the Netherlands, has this to say: "Theology is unfortunately the philosophy of nothing. It's a field of inquiry based on the iterative elaboration and re-elaboration of arguments on ancient superstitions, which are still with us due more to social and psychological reasons than anything else. I don't think it can make such a big difference whether we consider more this or that theologian in the discussion. All of their positions, no matter the details, are based on nothing... Poor theology? How can you distinguish the good from the bad in a fantasy-based field of inquiry?" These are the remarks of some Secular Atheist named Dario Ventra, located in the Netherlands. He has no educational background or expertise in the area of his pontification. He can't even define the word "Theology". As my educated colleague, Jack Wellman, points out; It, (Theology), is, as you know Doctor, from "theos" god and "logos" words. According to Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott's "A Greek-English Lexicon," the first recorded use of the word came in Plato's "Republic," where he used it to mean "a science of things divine." This is typical of the Radical Atheist attack on Christianity. It is completely uninformed and indefensible from a rational or historical point of view. It is predicated on an encyclopedic denial of reality. " Ventra goes on to say: "If you give so much importance to rationality, instead of irrationality, you shouldn't even consider theology at all! But I'll let Sir Richard Dawkins speak for me about this. Much more effective I guess: "What has theology ever said that is of the smallest use to anybody? When has theology ever said anything that is demonstrably true and is not obvious? I have listened to theologians, read them, debated against them. I have never heard any of them ever say anything of the smallest use, anything that was not either platitudinously obvious or downright false. If all the achievements of scientists were wiped out tomorrow, there would be no doctors but witch doctors, no transport faster than horses, no computers, no printed books, no agriculture beyond subsistence peasant farming. If all the achievements of theologians were wiped out tomorrow, would anyone notice the smallest difference? Even the bad achievements of scientists, the bombs, and sonar-guided whaling vessels work! The achievements of theologians don't do anything, don't affect anything, don't mean anything. What makes anyone think that "theology" is a subject at all?" (From Free Inquiry Magazine, vol.18, n.2) Dario Ventra The interesting thing about Mr. Dawkins is that he has no education in the traditional sense of the word. He evidently knows nothing of the history of Science, literature or that of England and America. He pontificates that Christianity never did anybody any good in any way, then he says that it's a good thing that slavery was ended in the British Empire. So it was in America too, by the tireless efforts of Christians who led the fight to accomplish this. The American government, the Constitution, was the work of Protestant Christians. In Zull's The Biblical Roots of The American Republic, he tells us that "Sir. William Blackstone (1723-80), the English expert on common law and the greatest influence on American legal education up until the 20th century, said "Much of western constitutionalism originated in the Hebrew polity found in the Books of Moses." Inspired by the Bible, especially The Book of Proverbs, Christians and Jews have had great respect for learning, as Dawkins does not. In his pygmy universe of discourse there are no towering figures of the intellect, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Etc. In ancient times, the Jews had the highest literacy rate of any of the ancient people. The great universities of Europe, founded in the university movement of the 12th century, were Christian Universities which did much to aid the advancement of Science. The very first ones had departments of Medicine. The uniformed Dawkins never heard of St. Vincent's. Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, etc. hospitals or the many constructed in Africa by missionaries. "No doctors but witch doctors"? LOL. Until the late 19th century, most scientists were Christians and considered that the findings of science confirmed the truth of the Christian religion. He is teaching at Oxford University amid the excellent medieval architecture and Christian art never equaled by Secular Humanists whose best efforts are pictures of Jesus Christ immersed in urine. In the Netherlands (maybe "Neither World") their biggest cultural monument is side by side houses of prostitution, stretching for miles and millions of murdered babies. Now only Atheists can teach at Oxford and Dawkins wants only Atheist students to be able to study there. Atheist Secular Humanism is not only culturally sterile, but under its influence, Europeans are too selfish to raise children. Europe is dying. Jack Wellman goes on to say: "The benefits of theology are to me responsible for the elimination of slavery, the elevating of women (rightly so), and to the reduction of prejudice and bigotry...among other things. Certainly the Ten Commandments contributed to the foundational principles and laws of the Western Nations, particularly the U.S. Whoever said you can not legislate morality shows their ignorance that laws in and of themselves do this very same thing. The very idea that theology is useless betrays the ignorance of supposed "learned men" who by their own words reveal all doubt that they are without excuse (Rom 1) when they open their mouths" Julian Huxly commented that he and his friends wanted to accept evolution because it gave them an excuse to sleep around. As Alfred North Whitehead (not a Christian) pointed out, in Science and the Modern World, science arose in the Western world because it was permeated with Christian Theology. Most notably the concept of a universe governed by natural physical laws. This concept was unique to Christian thought and without it you can't have a science. In Lewis Mumford's classic essay, The Monastery and the Clock, He points out that the clock was invented by monks inspired by the Biblical passage that we should "redeem the time" till the Lord comes again. Dawkin's trickster rhetoric consists of the sweeping "one Liner' which it would take an entire book to refute. Such a book is Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel, Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages. To quote one of many passages: "Lynn Whyte asserted that Christian Theology actually gave the Middle Ages a fiat for technology: 'Man shares in great measure God's transcendence of nature. Christianity in absolute contrast to ancient paganism and Asia's religions ...not only established a dualism of man and nature but also insisted that it is God's will that man exploit nature for its proper ends.' The writers, point out that the church's attitude at times somewhat ambivalent, it was, on the whole, favorable to the development of Science and Technology. In the 13 century onward many monks, priests, Bishops and other members of the clergy took an active part in carrying on scientific work, often while writing theological treatises. Until the middle of the 19th century most scientists were Christians, some were like Deists. Many jumped on board when Darwin came along (by no means the first evolutionist), believing the evidence would turn up. The story of evolutionism since then has been a search for evidence to support it, in spite of all the evidence that refutes it, This truly is a religion, Haeckel and Huxley said it was. But, of course, to evolutionists facts don't count! It is interesting to read of the effects of monotheism, in the specific form of Judaism, and how they changed mankind's perceptions not only of religion per se, but of other abstract concepts as well. For instance, the concept of time, because of monotheism, was thereafter thought of in a long-term manner as linear in fashion, with a definite beginning, middle and end. It is also interesting to read of Christianity gaining converts through altruism to such a degree that even pagan leaders acknowledged that the pagan poor could expect more solace and comfort from Christians than from their own fellow pagans. And given the snobbery of all too many secularists on the matter, it is certainly worthwhile to read how Christianity, far from being anti-scientific and anti-rational, actually supported a rationalistic view as an appropriate means to discover the true nature of God. The final chapter of The God That Did Not Fail is especially worthwhile in its discussion of modern secular trends such as Marxism, psychoanalysis and the current secularizing forces in modern day Europe. When I was a young student, studying philosophy, I discovered by reading Plato, that many of my teachers "modern, up to date ideas" were nothing but a regurgitation of the long discredited Sophists whose specialty was "making the worst appear the better case." Socrates went all over Athens asking people questions, trying to find people who actually had knowledge. He said that the only ones who had a kind of knowledge and because of this thought they knew all about other things a which they knew nothing about. This perfectly describes the present day scientific community. Technology is often confused with science. Technology goes way back to the mists of antiquity. To have a real science you need the following elements: 1. A moral foundation, science without integrity is pseudo-science like evolution. 2. A belief in universal physical laws which govern the universe. This was the second most important Christian contribution, an idea unique to Christian Theology. Actually Without belief in the Christian God you have no basis for ethical conduct or belief in the unity of the universe. 3. The empirical approach. Realizing that a foundation of empirical evidence is very shaky. 4. The experimental approach. This emphasized careful and discrete observation. Lavoisier performed a landmark experiment which disproved the Phlogiston Theory. 5. Recognition of the importance of mathematics, that mathematical relationships were helpful in understanding physical laws and relationships. 6. Naturalism. A narrowing of consideration to things within this sphere, but not asserting that scientific knowledge is the only knowledge worthy of credence. 7. restricting attention to things observable, repeatable and testable. Leaves out the evolution myth. 8. The attempt to go beyond technology to systematize this knowledge. 9. a commitment to logical thinking and analysis of evidence. Actually a belief that the Real is rational and the Rational is real. 10. A level of technology created by people publishing their findings and Ideas. For example Thomas Edison's attempt to create a light bulb was hindered by the fact that no one had, as yet, developed a pump which would evacuate all the air out of a container. When one was produced, he was able to move forward and produce his light bulb. In ancient times, people generally kept information to themselves or their families. On the back of my copy of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, it praises him for his "hard hitting...rebuttal of religious belief" and his "incisive logic". Dawkins is characterized as a preeminent scientist. I am not aware of any special contribution to real science he has made. Having had a rich fan who purchased his teaching position for him at, once great Oxford University, he has proceeded to popularize the now scientifically untenable, basically religious doctrine of evolution. His title there is "The Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science". Some find an enormous irony in the name "Simonyi", so suggestive of the medieval practice of buying church offices, especially when, as I understand it, Oxford now has the practice of employing only atheist professors. Is it a sort of establishment of Atheist religion? In his book The God Delusion, (henceforth referenced TGD), after his remarks about Islamic religion, Dawkins follows up with a misrepresentation of Christian faith. "More generally (and this applies to Christianity no less than to Islam), what is really pernicious is the practice of teaching that faith itself is a virtue. Faith is an evil precisely because it requires no justification and brooks no argument." (TGD, p.347). First of all, we have the logical fallacy of Equivocation, "this is just like that" when it isn't. Neither Christians nor Muslims would agree that their religions were virtually identical and neither would any person who had honestly studied them. But here we see the power of the one liner, the Atheist's favorite attack, One line which it might take a whole book to refute. Next we have the Atheist dogma that there is only one definition of "faith" When there are many, allegiance, trust, fidelity to one's promises, belief in the doctrines of a religion, to mention a few. The latter may be supported by various kinds of evidence. Certainly in Christianity we have many works of "Apologetics". This discipline is based on the Greek word, not meaning making excuses, but setting forth the reasons for things, One thinks of Plato's Apology, part of a trilogy of Dialogs concerning the trial and death of Socrates. Also McDowells book Evidence That Demands a verdict. Get it Dawkins? Evidence! All knowledge is based on faith. For example, I believe (have faith, trust, have confidence) that the temperature on my back porch is 90 degrees. Why? Because I believe that the expansion and contraction of mercury correlates with the rise and fall of the temperature of the air. I further believe that the universe is governed by natural physical laws which have always been in operation everywhere and always will be. Dawkins and the atheist, evolutionist True Believers cannot deal with the fact that their religion is based on faith in many ways like Christian faith. One the first principles of logical thinking is to use clear, well defined works. I think of American humorist Goodman Ace who satirized Dawkins sort of approach as: "Learn a word a day, use it any old way!" The most basic branch of Philosophy is Epistemology or Theory of Knowledge. Is there any absolute truth? (TGD, pp. 323-326). The Atheist evolutionist answer is a combination of Denial, Refusal to Discuss and Scientism. Running all through Dawkins book is the assertion and insinuation that God's revealed Word is not true because it is based on "faith" which he irrationally and unhistorically defines.(TGD p. 347). Science is based on "knowledge", he has not defined, and scientific knowledge is the only knowledge which is worthwhile. Here we have simply evaded the obvious weakness of scientific knowledge. First of all not all scientists have the same philosophy of science. The truth claims of different philosophies are different, Pragmatism and Operationalism claim scientific ideas are useful but not true Scientific Realism's claim to truth is highly problematical and Thomas Kuhn(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) tells us that Scientists work with praradigms which may or may not be true. Dawkins can tell us nothing about Philosophy of Science because he knows nothing about the subject and denies that philosophers have anything worthwhile to say such as St.Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. Dawkins condemns Christians precisely because they believe in absolute truth. But if there is no absolute truth, there isn't any other kind. Relativism fails when it says that things approximate the truth or are relatively more true than others.How can you approximate something that doesn't exist? In Free Inquiry Magazine (Vol. 18 No. 2) Dawkins says "What has theology ever said that is of the smallest use to anybody? When has theology ever said anything that is demonstrably true and is not obvious? The great medieval Philosopher, Thomas Aquinas is condemned for arguments that don't prove anything, and are easily... exposed as vacuous.". (p. 100). As always, Dawkins unsupported opinion is the final arbiter of truth, especially after Dawkins has misstated Aquinas argument. The concept of Scientism is defined in Glossory Online as follows: "Unlike the use of the scientific method as only one mode of reaching knowledge, scientism claims that science alone can render truth about the world and reality. Scientism's single-minded adherence to only the empirical, or testable, makes it a strictly scientific worldview....Scientism sees it necessary to do away with most, if not all, Metaphysical, philosophical, and religious claims, as the truths they proclaim cannot be apprehended by the scientific method. In essence, Scientism sees science as the absolute and only justifiable access to the truth." Cracker barrel philosopher, Auguste Comte, propounded "The law of three stages" which states that, in its development, humanity passes through three successive stages: the theological, the metaphysical, and the positive. (see Dagobert D. Runes, Dictionary of Philosophy, pp. 60-61). Not much is known about him these days but his lasting influence in science is seen the anti-metaphysical superstition of contemporary science. A substitute teacher who signed up in the Indianapolis Public School System was told by eight different science teachers that he had missed his calling by not being a science teacher, They added "Too bad you wasted so much time taking Philosophy courses.". Radical Atheists typically make statements like "Metaphysics is rubbish!" This parallels their other favorite diatribe "There is no absolute truth!" Both share the same logical fallacy, the first is a metaphysical statement and the second a statement of absolute truth, so if either is true it is also false. Metaphysics is simply your answer to "What is the nature of God, Man and the Universe?". For this you do not have to be a philosopher. If you are a living, breathing human being, you have to have some notion of these things. Often these are among your more or less unconscious opinions but they are there. Dawkins answer is there is no God because he says so. Man, people are apes, brother to the Gorilla and the Chimpanzee.(see the definition of Primate in the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary) of The Universe is a collection of blind, meaningless haphazard events which by the process of evolution cause the existence of highly complex, well ordered plants, animals and human apes. Scientific thinking is founded on many metaphysical ideas such as universal physical laws, Dawkins monism is justified by him by saying "...mind is a manifestation of matter - material in a brain or perhaps a computer - and cannot exist apart from matter." (TGD, p. 209). This is simply begging the question. We all believe in non-material realities. If 2+2=4 and it's somehow just generated in our brain, what significance can it have. Again he undermines the possibility of objective truth. Perhaps this generated notion could be cured by Tums for the Tummy. The feeling of an upset stomach is transmitted to us our conscious minds by the physical process of our brain. Mind in this context becomes a sort of epi-phenomenom. As to Logic, it's particular principles and theories, which of these are material, what do they weigh, how long are they, wide, thick? So how is Dawson's Monism a valid perspective? That is the notion that Matter, material things are the only significant reality reality? Dawkins religion has no plausible reliable foundation of truth or metaphysical reality. But from this Shifting Sand perspective he proceeds to tell us Americans who's who, what's what, how we should run our country and where every one of us should get off! A remarkable performance! That is what chapter 9 is all about, how our parents, who give their children religious instruction, should have their children taken away from them. Sheer Fascism! One big problem which renders Dawkins position wholly untenable to a logical mind, is the Ontological significance of Logic. Ontology is the branch of philosophy which deals with the nature of reality or being. According to Dawkins, and most evolutionists, the natural world, the only reality which counts for anything, Nature is a big, churning mass of random, irrational, meaningless, accidental causality which chucked out, among other things, the intuitions which provide the basis for Logic. Intuitions being the perception of evenness, identity, primitive number sense, etc. The problem with this, which evolutionists have no answer for, is that this guarantees that there can be no necessary connection between Logic and reality. Thus, even if you have a flawless argument it is still false because it is not connected to the real world. In the Christian system of metaphysics, because God created us in His own image and Logic is a n attribute of God, There is a necessary connection. We have every reason to believe that the real is rational and the rational real. It doesn't of course matter what Dawkins believes because, according to him, beliefs don't matter. For Dawkins views on philosophy of science see TGD, pp. 209-212. Underlying Dawkins Scientism is the indefensible notion that Science is one big, unified, homogeneous "thing". There are many scientists and many different philosophies .of science, Pragmatism, Operationalism, etc. Scientific Realism seems to be closest to what Dawkins has faith in. We must remember Dawkins has no mastery of Logic and boasts of knowing nothing of any aspect of Philosophy or Theology despite the fact these are closely related to real science. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy in its article on Philosophy of Science has this to say about Scientific Realism "...those who describe themselves as scientific realists" claim "that 'mature' scientific theories typically refer to real features of the world, that the history of past falsifications of accepted scientific theories does not provide good reason for persistent skepticism as to the truth claims of contemporary theories...". Or in other words just because we were wrong a hundred times in the past is no reason to think we're not right now. To parody: "On science, the solid rock I stand! All other ground is sinking sand! Burble, burble, burble !" Sorry folks, he went down for the third time! But come back tomorrow." Of course we can't ridicule Dawkins for this inadequate belief, he doesn't have one. His "science is sort of like a table with all four legs cut off of it, he expects it to remain 30 inches off the ground. Technology is often confused with science. Technology goes way back to the mists of antiquity. Contrary to Dawkins cracker barrel approach, to have a real science you need the following elements: 1. A moral foundation, science without integrity is pseudo-science like evolution. Dawkins demonstrates that a moral foundation is impossible with his metaphysics. Things like murder are just evertbody' conflicting, subjective opinion. Lying is probably the clever use of rhetoric. 2. A belief in universal physical laws which govern the universe. This was the second most important Christian contribution contribution, an idea unique to Christian Theology. No objective basis for this in Dawkins. 3. The empirical approach which leads to verification, not proof, a very shaky foundation for anything. 4. The experimental approach. This emphasized careful and discrete observation. Lavoisier performed a landmark experiment which disproved the Phlogiston theory. 5. Recognition of the importance of mathematics, that mathematical relationships were helpful in understanding physical laws and relationships. 6. Naturalism. A narrowing of consideration to things within this sphere, but not asserting that scientific knowledge is the only knowledge worthy of credence. 7. restricting attention to things observable, repeatable and testable. Leaves out the evolution myth. 8. The attempt to go beyond technology to systematize this knowledge. Beyond this, we have to look at the fact that "Ideas have consequences." One of Dawkins glaring contradictions is that he has lied about the consequences of Christian belief and the true evil consequences of Dawkins Socialist tyrannies is something to be denied and covered up. Crushing the skull of an innocent baby, sucking the brains out and chopping him into six pieces is not murder, that is not taking innocent human life, we can call it "abortion", but real murderers should not be executed for their crimes. A case in point is the evolutionist myth which has produced nothing but racism and fascism. Non-specialists eagerly transported the idea of biological evolution to other realms entirely: T. H. Huxley and his ilk popularized "Social Darwinism" in interracial and international affairs, which led to racist The Atheist eugenics, adopted in Naziism. Read from Darwin to Hitler, the book the evolutionists are frantically trying to repress. We are going to look a few classic Logical Fallacies and Contradictions. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, this is the fallacy that because A took place before B, it is the cause of B. This fallacy is the foundation of the notion that the fossil record demonstrates evolution. The even bigger lie here is that plants and animals alive today have been found along side of creatures claimed to have died out billions of years ago (See Ken Ham, The Lie!:Evolution). Insufficient Evidence-Virtually all so called "primitive men" have been reconstructed from a few bones, sometimes only a tooth or three fragments. from this they decide what the entire skeleton was like, five foot six or six foot two,what it looked like on the outside, how much hair it had and what he had for breakfast. The Pictorial Encyclopedia of The Evolution of Man by J. Jelinek shows most of the wishful thinking "primitive men" for which there is insufficient evidence. A marvelous work of science fantasy. Appeal to Authority-There are valid authorities and dubious or invalid ones. One of most fallacious is: "All scientists believe in evolution." First of all we have an undefined term. Does "Scientists" include Engineers, medical researchers, people with undergraduate degrees in science, what? Scientists, however defined, are narrow specialists, evolution has no relevance to their work, many have just blindly accepted it because it was labelled science, many are afraid they would lose their jobs or teaching positions if they criticized it and many have never studied it. This statement is no more significant than "All scientists like pink tea." Bigotry and Hate- Dawkins Highly recommends the The Freedom From Religion Foundation, (TGD, p. 422),a vociferous, hate group which seeks to stamp out every trace of Chritianity in our country and, it is said wants to rewrite the Constitution to say: "Congress shall make no law respecting any religion, and shall prohibit the free exercise thereof;…": http://godfatherpolitics.com/6810/churches-feed-high-school-football-players-before-games-now-school-facing-lawsuit/#ixzz24yTiiR6F Humane and also Contradiction-'"Human embryos are examples of human life. Therefore, by absolutest religious lights, abortion is simply wrong; full fledged murder....many of those who most ardently oppose the taking of embryonic life also seem to be more than usually enthusiastic about taking adult life." (TGD, p. 329). The civilized and Biblical definition of murder is "Taking innocent human life." Dawkins with his Goodman Ace definitions doesn't share this idea. Murder is justifiable when the victim feels no pain. Of course we aren't just talking about embryos here, we are talking about well formed babies. If they are not innocent human life what is? The particularly brutal criminals are not "innocent human life" . They have broken the law and deserve to be punished. This is called Justice and it Is not in Dawkins vocabulary. The insinuation that there is a contradiction in the Christian position doesn't hold up. We support the death penalty for convicted murderers and oppose it for innocent babies. Dawkins boasts that his position involves respect for human life. How does he show respect human life by crushing the skulls of tens of millions of innocent babies, sucking their brains out and cutting them in pieces? What is Humane about this? If a person did this to an older person, it would be considered an especially horrifying and goulish crime. Yet Dawkins has found complete fulfillment by this Atheist ordained lifestyle. In conclusion, we can see that Dawkins' claims are extremely ignorant and unfounded, even an embarrassment to well educated people. They involve this fascinating contradiction: Dawkins boasts that Theology and Philosophy are nothing subjects which he refuses to study and then proceeds to dogmatically assert the last final word on something he boasts he knows nothing about. The rampaging radical Atheists like Richard Dawkins are a perfect example of "They meant it for evil but God meant it for good." Dawkins published his best selling book The God Delusion which precipitated a dozen best selling books about the Atheist's delusions. Dawkins made belief in God a really hot issue, causing Christians to explore the meaning of their faith more deeply! Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised! Atheist Ruse notes: "Let me say that I believe the new atheists do the side of science a grave disservice. I will defend to the death the right of them to say what they do--as one who is English-born one of the things I admire most about the USA is the First Amendment. But I think first that these people do a disservice to scholarship. Their [the New Atheists] treatment of the religious viewpoint is pathetic to the point of non-being. Richard Dawkins in "The God Delusion" would fail any introductory philosophy or religion course. Proudly he criticizes that whereof he knows nothing. As I have said elsewhere, for the first time in my life, I felt sorry for the ontological argument. If we criticized gene theory with as little knowledge as Dawkins has of religion and philosophy, he would be rightly indignant. ... I am indignant at the poor quality of the argumentation in Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens, and all of the others in that group. ... "The God Delusion" makes me ashamed to be an atheist. Let me say that again. Let me say also that I am proud to be the focus of the invective of the new atheists. They are a disaster and I want to be on the front line of those who say so" (Ruse: "Science and Spirituality"). In conclusion, we can see that Dawkins' claims are extremely ignorant and unfounded, even an embarrassment to well educated people. They involve this fascinating contradiction: Dawkins boasts that Theology and Philosophy are nothing subjects which he refuses to study and then proceeds to dogmatically assert the last final word on something he boasts he knows nothing about. The Existentialist philosopher, Jose Ortega y Gasset, in his book The Revolt of the Masses, comments that "I have studied philosophy all my life, but when I encounter a layman, he feels we are on a completely equal level, even though he has never given five minutes of serious thought to what we are talking about," Yes, Ortega, you are right, people like Dawkins, are indeed revolting, in several senses of the word. Since Dawkins errors are encyclopedic in their scope, I have included an extensive bibliography to deal with them. Helpful books to read: David Barton, The Foundations of American Government David Barton, The Jefferson Lies. Neil Broom, How Blind Is The Watchmaker?. Nigel Brush,The Limitations of Scientific Truth, E.A. Burt, The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science Gordon H. Clark, The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion Frances and Joseph Gies, Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel Cornelius Hunter, Science's Blind Spot Paul Johnson, The History of The American People Douglas F. Kelly, The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World, Peter Marshall, The Light and The Glory Alister McGrath, The Dawkins Delusion Benjamin F. Morris, The Christian Life and Character Of the Civil Institutions Of The United States Lewis Mumford, Technics and Civilization, especially chapter two The Monastery and the Clock Nancy R. Pearcey, The Soul of Science Robert Royal, The God That Did Not Fail Robert Royal, Columbus on Trial Ruse, Science and Spirituality Rodney Stark, The Victory of Reason Jack Wellman, Blind Chance or Intelligent design? Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World Douglas Wilson, The Deluded Atheist Douglas Wilson, God Is John W. Zull, The Biblical Roots of The American Republic |
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