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About 'online doctorate degree program'|Online Doctorate Degree In Theology

About 'online doctorate degree program'|Online Doctorate Degree In Theology

You               want               to               improve               your               computer               skills               or               learn               new               skills               in               other               areas.

You               want               to               improve               other               jobs               skills,               but               you               don't               have               the               time               or               money               to               go               to               college.

You               would               like               to               go               your               college               degree,               but               you               don't               think               you               have               time.

You               want               to               learn               one               more               about               one               topic,               whether               it               is               a               computer               software               program,               writing,               sign               language,               or               whatever,               but               you               don't               want               to               go               to               college               just               for               that               subject               alone.

Perhaps               online               learning               might               be               the               answer               for               you.

It               is               possible               to               take               earn               online               degrees,               such               as               an               Associate               Degree,               Bachelor's               Degree,               Masters               Degree,               a               diploma,               certificate,               or               Doctorate               Degree-all               from               accredited               online               universities.

It               is               possible               to               take               individual               classes,               and               sometimes               earn               a               degree,               online               from               traditional               classes.

There               are               also               a               variety               of               other               educational               tools               online,               including               online               tutorials               that               teach               and               show               you               how               to               do               a               particular               task.
               Online               degrees               can               be               earned               from               online               colleges               in               such               subjects               as               writing,               MBA,               IT,               Web               Design,               Special               Education,               Psychology,               Criminal               Justice,               Paralegal,               Public               Administration,               Political               Science,               and               many               others.
               The               website,               www.elearners.com,               lists               97               online               colleges               and               universities               that               can               help               you               learn               almost               anything               you               want               from               the               comfort               of               your               home.

A               variety               of               the               colleges               are               only               online               institutions,               but               included               in               the               list               are               such               schools               as               Boston               University,               Tulane               University,               Villanova               University,               Gonzaga               University,               and               Indiana               State               University.
               At               some               institutions               it               may               be               possible               to               earn               a               degree               totally               online.

At               others,               you               may               learn               almost               everything               online               and               have               homework               assignments               your               professors               can               review               online,               but               you               may               need               to               show               up               at               a               college               to               take               a               test               or               final.
               As               a               former               college               student               myself,               who               took               most               of               my               classes               in               person               but               a               couple               online,               I               can               speak               of               some               of               the               advantages               and               disadvantages               of               online               learning.
               One               advantage               is               the               convenience.

I               took               one               class               that               was               offered               only               online               at               the               college               I               was               attending.

Had               it               been               offered               in               person,               the               local               branch               of               my               college               would               not               have               offered               it,               because               nobody               here               taught               that               subject,               Web               Security.

I               would               have               had               to               have               traveled               once               or               twice               a               week               to               the               main               branch               of               my               college,               between               30-40               miles               away.

Between               work,               family               and               personal               commitments,               and               other               classes               I               was               taking               that               would               have               been               a               huge               disadvantage               compared               to               taking               the               class               online.
               There               are               some               disadvantages               of               taking               classes               and               learning               online.

If               you               are               not               disciplined               enough               to               get               assignments               done               on               your               own,               without               the               pressure               and               help               from               a               professor               and               other               students,               traditional               learning               might               be               better               for               you.

If               you               are               disciplined,               however,               that               should               not               matter.

If               you               have               technical               problems               or               questions               you               need               answered               quickly,               that               can               be               a               disadvantage               with               an               online               course.

If,               however,               if               is               possible               to               contact               your               professor               or               other               students               in               person,               by               phone,               e-mail,               or               instant               message               often,               that               might               not               be               such               a               disadvantage.
               It               is               also               possible               to               use               individual               tutorials               online               to               learn               about               a               variety               of               subjects,               and               some               of               the               tutorials               might               be               free.

Some               are               not.

You               can               learn               about               such               subjects               as               Web               Design,               HTML,               digital               photography,               Microsoft               Word,               Microsoft               Excel,               Firewall               basics,               selling               on               eBay,               creating               business               cards,               AppleWorks,               Photoshop,               Microsoft               Publisher,               Flash,               FrontPage,               writing,               accounting,               and               many               other               topics.
               It               is               even               possible               to               learn               online               about               such               things               as               sign               language,               other               languages,               including               Spanish,               how               to               play               the               piano,               how               to               play               the               guitar,               how               to               play               the               harmonica,               and               other               topics.
               In               some               cases,               one               can               find               the               tutorials               by               doing               a               word               search               on               a               popular               search               engine.

Other               tutorials               can               be               found               at               websites               such               as               www.hp.com/go/onlineclasses,www.internet4classrooms.com,               and               www.tutorialsfindtutorials.com.
               Whatever               you               desire               learn               more               about,               you               can               know               doubt               find               someplace               that               will               allow               you               learn               online.

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online doctorate degree program

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online doctorate degree program

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online doctorate degree program

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