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2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'online masters degree finance'|Online Master Degree and The Increasing Demand for Psychologist

About 'online masters degree finance'|Online Master Degree and The Increasing Demand for Psychologist

I               have               an               A.A.in               Liberal               Arts               and               a               B.A.in               English.

I'm               a               thesis               short               of               my               M.A.

in               English,               and               I               can't               go               back               and               complete               it.

I               have               a               certification               to               teach               Adult               and               Continuing               Education               (not               college)               and               taught               Creative               Writing.

Now,the               people               who               hired               me               are               not               being               funded               by               the               state               anymore               and               they               let               everyone               in               their               program               go.

I               can               find               other               places               to               teach,               but               most               places               already               have               a               Creative               Writing               program.

I               am               working               on               ideas               for               courses,               but               either               way               you               don't               make               a               living               teaching               one               or               two               classes               in               a               non-school               setting.

Eventually,               I               will               find               something               to               teach               again.

I               applied               for               a               job               as               an               instructor               at               a               few               colleges.

They               won't               take               me               because               I               do               NOT               have               my               Masters.

With               my               insurance               and               because               of               my               problem               (I               will               not               call               it               a               disability               as               it               is               not               really               such.

I               have               a               panic               disorder),               I               can               only               work               part-time.

With               my               problem,               it               depends               on               the               job,               the               days,               the               environment,               what               my               duties               are.

I               am               working               on               overcoming               this,               but               it's               VERY               hard.

I've               had               this               issue               my               entire               life.

It's               often               a               minor               hindrance,               but               it's               very               frustrating               because               I               need               to               make               money.
               I               tried               a               lot               of               work               at               home               places.

I               know               people               who               work               from               home.

For               whatever               reason               they               won't               tell               me               what               they               do               or               how               they               got               the               work.

Maybe               it's               a               fear               of               competition?

I'd               do               Avon               or               Mary               Kay,               but               my               friends               do               that               and               we'd               have               the               same               clientele.

Most               other               work-at-home               places               seem               to               be               scams,               though               I               am               hopeful               there               are               legit               places               out               there.

Associated               Content               has               been               a               huge               help               in               that               area.

While               it               doesn't               pay               the               bills,               it               gets               my               work               out               there,               I've               been               a               writer               my               entire               life.

It's               my               passion!

It's               what               I               do               and               will               always               do.
               I               am               a               creative               person.

What               jobs               are               out               there               for               me,the               creative               person?
               Not               many.

Most               jobs               out               there               pertain               to               the               fields               of               medicine,               law,               and               finance.

I               can't               be               a               doctor               as               I               am               squeamish               and               have               no               money               to               go               to               medical               school.

I               can't               go               into               law               because               I               have               no               money               for               law               school               and               well               with               a               panic               disorder               it's               not               a               great               area               to               be               in.

I               can't               call               the               judge               or               my               client               and               say               "Hey               I'm               having               a               panic               attack.

Can               you               hold               over               the               trial               for               a               few               days?"               Finance               is               funny               because               math               is               a               seriously               weak               subject               for               me!

Although,               I               did               get               a               job               offer               from               a               financial               company               that               supposedly               found               my               resume               online.

I               told               my               mom               "That's               how               the               stock               market               failed!"
               So               in               weighing               my               options               I               thought               it               would               be               a               good               idea               to               get               my               M.F.A.

in               Writing               or               Creative               Writing.

This               would               make               me               more               hireable               to               colleges               and               universities               where               I               live               because               I               would               have               my               Masters               degree.

I               could               teach               business               writing,               creative               writing,               and               English               101,               research               techniques,etc.

So               I               began               to               look               at               online               colleges.

Well,               at               least               one               of               them               is               fake.

They               called               me               and               left               a               message.

I               called               back.

I               said               "A               man               called               me               from               this               number."               The               woman               at               the               other               end               said               she               was               only               a               secretary               and               that               he               didn't               call               from               that               line.

Oddly,               that               was               the               number               he               left,               and               three               months               later               these               people               are               still               calling               me               two               and               three               times               a               week.

I               tried               two               other               colleges               in               two               other               fields.

One               was               Kitchen               and               Bathroom               design.

I               have               no               idea               how               you               do               that               online,               but               it               looked               good.


I               asked               these               schools               to               send               me               physical               brochures               to               my               home               so               I               can               peruse               them.

Neither               of               the               three               schools               bothered.
               There               are               tons               of               schools               offering               M.F.As               in               Writing               or               Creative               Writing,               but               almost               none               of               them               are               in               New               York,               and               if               they               are               in               New               York               they               are               in               the               city.

Most               are               low-residency,               meaning               you               do               most               of               the               course               work               online               and               then               for               x               amount               of               weeks               each               semester               you               have               to               live               on               campus.

For               the               ones               that               are               solely               online,               why               are               they               so               expensive?

It's               online!

I               am               not               commuting.

I               don't               need               to               be               fed               by               you..

Books               I               can               get               at               Barnes               and               Noble               or               online.

So               why               is               it               $17,000-$21,000+               for               an               online               degree?

Even               the               state               schools               are               ridiculously               high               in               cost.
               So               I'm               stuck.

I               can't               further               my               education               right               now.

I               have               very               little               in               the               way               of               marketable               skills.

My               skills               include               typing,               writing,               proofreading,               and               research.

Most               research               is               scientific               and               they               will               not               take               someone               outside               of               the               field.

Proofreading               ,               writing,               and               typing               are               now               combined               with               receptionists               and               administrative               assistants,               who               also               answer               phones,               do               spread               sheet,               and               billing.

There               was               a               time               when               writers               and               proofreaders               were               separate               jobs               from               administrative               assistants,               and               NEEDED.

Now,               you're               lucky               if               you               get               someone               who               can               even               read               or               spell               in               the               English               language.

I               see               ads               that               leave               out               important               information,               but               the               company               claims               they               don't               need               a               proofreader.
               Alas,               we               shall               see               what               happens.

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online masters degree finance

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online masters degree finance

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