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2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'online business universities'|..., so in a way it evens out. I probably would have more business if I was on University, but I don’t necessarily know that it would have been what I ...

About 'online business universities'|..., so in a way it evens out. I probably would have more business if I was on University, but I don’t necessarily know that it would have been what I ...

Because               I               make               my               living               in               business,               I've               taken               numerous               online               business               courses               over               the               years.

Some               have               been               through               major               colleges               and               universities,               while               others               have               been               given               by               successful               executives               sharing               what               they               know.

Either               way,               forming               good               study               habits               is               important.

When               taking               online               business               courses,               you               have               to               remember               that               every               segment               can               (or               will               later)               be               applied               to               your               actual               profession.

This               is               one               of               those               areas               where               you               can               take               what               you               learn               and               bring               it               directly               to               your               career.

Therefore,               your               study               habits               should               be               different               than               with               other               types               of               classes.
               These               are               the               best               study               tips               I               can               provide               for               those               taking               online               business               courses.
               Keep               the               Syllabus               Handy
               Online               business               courses               often               move               fast,               and               if               you               aren't               familiar               with               the               syllabus               you'll               easily               get               lost.

Keep               a               copy               of               it               at               your               desk               or               wherever               you               prefer               to               study,               and               keep               looking               ahead               to               future               subjects               while               you               work               on               current               ones.
               If               you               have               access               to               required               reading               before               it               is               assigned               in               online               business               courses,               I               suggest               that               you               read               it               before               the               rest               of               the               class               gets               to               it.

Highlight               important               passages,               insert               Post-It               notes-whatever               it               takes               to               get               you               focused               on               the               next               chapter               or               unit               of               study.
               Schedule               Study               Time
               It's               easy               to               get               caught               up               in               the               flexibility               of               online               business               courses.

No               one               is               telling               you               when               or               where               to               study,               and               you               might               not               even               have               concrete               deadlines               for               assignments.

Therefore,               it               is               up               to               you               to               keep               yourself               on               track.
               Carve               out               a               couple               hours               each               day               for               studying               for               your               online               business               courses.

It               can               be               in               the               morning               while               you               work               on               your               first               couple               cups               of               coffee               or               in               the               evening               after               the               kids               go               to               bed.

Just               make               sure               it's               a               time               you               can               devote               exclusively               to               studying.
               Make               Note               Cards
               The               online               business               courses               that               I've               taken               have               been               riddled               with               plenty               of               vocabulary,               words               I               would               never               have               had               any               reason               to               know               beforehand.

Note               cards               help               to               keep               the               jargon               straight,               so               dip               into               your               high               school               bag               of               tricks               and               buy               a               package               of               3X5''               note               cards.
               Take               Two               Kinds               of               Notes
               The               first               set               of               notes               will               be               geared               toward               assignments               and               tests               that               you               might               have               to               take               during               online               business               courses.

They               should               be               focused               on               what               the               teacher               wants               you               to               learn,               and               should               follow               any               study               materials               you               read               or               listen               to               or               watch.
               You               should               also               keep               a               second               set               of               notes               geared               toward               your               future               (or               existing)               career.

These               notes               are               based               on               the               information               you               feel               will               be               most               beneficial               in               business,               and               should               be               kept               in               a               separate               notebook               or               folder               from               your               study               notes.
               Educate               Yourself               on               the               System
               Online               business               courses               often               use               complex               web-based               programs               that               can               be               difficult               to               navigate.

You               don't               want               to               spend               all               your               study               time               figuring               out               which               buttons               do               what,               so               get               that               out               of               the               way               in               advance.

Read               any               literature               available               for               learning               the               system               as               well,               and               keep               copies               on               your               computer               for               future               reference.
               Meet               Your               Classmates
               Many               online               business               courses               support               interactions               between               students,               so               don't               discount               your               fellow               classmates               when               studying.

They               can               be               excellent               resources               and               sounding               boards,               and               you               can               help               each               other               figure               out               difficult               concepts               that               you               might               not               be               able               to               discern               on               your               own.
               You               should               also               consider               your               teacher               a               resource.

He               or               she               will               probably               provide               you               with               an               e-mail               address               you               can               use               if               you               have               questions,               and               the               online               course               program               might               have               a               chat               or               message               board               function               that               allows               you               to               communicate               with               the               educator.
               Use               the               Internet
               There               is               a               reason               why               so               many               people               take               online               business               courses:               It's               flexible,               easy               on               the               schedule               and               convenient.

Those               are               also               qualities               of               the               Internet.

Your               class               will               probably               have               recommended               reading,               audio               files,               video               files               and               other               study               materials,               but               don't               discount               the               rest               of               the               Internet.
               Use               university               and               government               web               sites               for               research               if               you               find               yourself               confused.

Don't               trust               just               any               source               on               the               Internet,               but               don't               despair               just               because               you               can't               make               it               to               the               library               after               work.
               Play               to               Your               Strengths
               I'm               a               visual               learner,               which               means               that               I               learn               best               when               I               can               see               the               results               or               concepts               illustrated               on               paper               (or               the               screen,               or               wherever).

Play               to               your               strengths               in               online               business               courses,               even               if               it               means               going               beyond               the               scope               of               the               class.
               For               example,               I               took               a               course               in               accounting               with               the               Small               Business               Administration,               and               I               found               that               I               understood               the               class               better               when               I               made               charts               and               graphs               on               my               own.

If               you               learn               best               through               auditory               learning,               make               tapes               of               you               reading               your               notes.

The               sky's               the               limit               because               you're               studying               from               your               own               home.
               Make               Contacts
               You               might               have               to               write               lots               of               papers               for               online               business               courses,               and               those               papers               require               sources.

My               advice               is               to               contact               a               few               people               you               can               interview               for               papers,               which               will               make               the               research               process               less               tedious               and               will               give               you               some               insight               into               real-world               businesses.
               Business               owners,               C-level               executives               and               entrepreneurs               are               great               resources               for               studying.

They               can               provide               valuable               information               that               you               can               use               to               expand               upon               what               you               learn               in               class.
               Read               Multiple               Times
               There               is               lots               of               reading               involved               in               online               business               courses,               so               much               that               it               can               become               overwhelming.

To               avoid               burnout,               you               must               develop               a               logical               method               of               reading               that               allows               you               to               make               the               most               efficient               use               of               your               time.
               My               advice               is               to               read               multiple               times               when               studying.

During               the               first               pass,               highlight               important               passages               and               take               notes               that               you               think               will               be               useful               for               exams.

Then,               on               the               second               and               subsequent               readings,               focus               on               absorbing               the               material               without               worrying               about               note               taking.
               Make               Mental               Applications
               I've               found               that               studying               for               online               business               courses               is               much               easier               when               I               keep               my               own               business               in               the               back               of               my               mind.

I               constantly               frame               everything               I               learn               in               context               with               how               I               will               use               that               information;               it               keeps               the               material               fresh               and               interesting,               and               encourages               me               to               continue               studying.
               Don't               Stress
               It               is               true               that               online               business               courses               are               no               easier               than               those               taken               in               physical               classrooms,               but               you               can't               allow               stress               to               get               in               the               way               of               studying.

When               you               start               to               feel               pressured               or               overwhelmed,               take               a               break               and               remove               yourself               from               books               and               notes               for               a               while.
               Studying               for               online               business               courses               is               a               learned               skill,               and               you'll               develop               it               over               time.

You'll               get               used               to               the               rhythm               of               distance               learning               just               as               you               learned               to               pay               attention               to               your               teacher               in               kindergarten.

Image of online business universities

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online business universities

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