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About 'cheapest accredited online university'|Future of Education is At Hand: Online, Accredited, Affordable, Useful

About 'cheapest accredited online university'|Future of Education is At Hand: Online, Accredited, Affordable, Useful

               Are               For               Profit               Degrees               Worth               It?
               Several               charges               are               laid               at               the               feet               of               the               "For-Profit"               college               system.

When               compiled               from               various               sources,               the               charges               reverberate:               "negative               effects."               Among               the               charges               are,               unethical               business               practices               and               fraud;               aggressive,               illegal,               unethical               "recruiting               practices;               "marketing               heavily               to               poor               populations,               and               enrolling               students               and               saddling               them               with               debt."               For-profit               institutions               have               no               show               of               "long-term               outcomes"               critics               say,               and               that               they               are               tapping               what               amounts               to               be               a               "$500               Billion               dollars"               a               year               market:               of               Government's               Student               loans               and               Pell               Grants.

Further,               the               schools               are               "pumping               out               degrees               with               learning               outcomes               a               step               above               a               paper               mill."               (financemoney.com).

But,               is               there               another               side?
               A               Contrarian's               View
               I               take               a               contrarian's               view.

Agreeably,               there               are               no               excuses               for               what               turned               up               in               an               investigation               and               Senate's               report               from               the               Government               Accountability               Office:               that               "Recruiters               from               for-profit               schools               obtained               $24               billion               in               student               loan               and               grant               money               for               the               2008-2009               school               year"               (ABC               News               Investigates);               but               "For-profit"               institutions               have               their               place               in               a               free               market.

I               cannot               explore               the               depth               here.

So,               "Are               For-Profit               Degrees               Worth               It?

Let's               find               out               "at               what               cost?

According               to               College               Navigator,               University               of               Nevada-Reno               is               the               least               expensive               college               in               America               and               the               most               expensive               college               is,               Sarah               Lawrence               College               in               Bronxville               N.Y.,               according               to               Wikipedia.

Both               colleges               are               traditional,               brick-and-mortar               institutions,               and               yes!

For-profit               schools               would               cost               more.

So               now               it's               about               career               choice,               location               preference,               and               cost.
               Regional               Accreditation               should               be               foremost               to               consider               when               looking               at               colleges:               no               matter               if               the               institution               is               brick-and-mortar,               online,               private,               for-profit               or               non-profit.

But               the               focal               question               remains:               Are               For-Profit               Degrees               Worth               It?

My               short               answer               is               "yes!"               Following               are               my               thoughts.
               Costs,               is               associated               with               everything               and               anything.

So               first,let's               attach               cost               to               our               "fully               accredited               degree."               Looking               at               face               value,               that's               an               expense.

Second,               is:               perception.

I               call               this               "intrinsic               value"               and               connect               it               to               quality.

Third,               is               the               degree               "useful?"               By               this               I               mean               am               I               able               to               transfer               the               information,               knowledge,               techniques,               and               skills               into               real               life               situations?

Here,               too,               the               short               answer               is               yes!

If               unemployed,               I'll               start               my               own               company.

No               school               can               "guarantee"               any               one               person               a               job               or               success.

Degrees               from               regionally               accredited               schools               potentially               open               doors               of               opportunities.

Jones               International               University               is               one               excellent               regionally               accredited               "for               profit"               institution,               I               recommend               it               if               you               are               looking               for               a               school.
               Cuomo,               C,               Vlasto               C,               Wagschal,               Pearle               L.

and               Andreadis               C.

(2010,               August               19,).

ABC               News               Gets               Answers
               for               Student               Who               Claims               She               Was               Duped               by               Online               School:               ABC               News               Investigates               For-Profit               Education:               Recruiters               at               the               University               of               Phoenix:               ABC               NEWS.

Retrieved               on               March               28,               2011,               from               http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/profit-education-abc-news-undercover-investigate-recruiters-university/story?id=11411379
               Finance               my               Money.


A               Degree               in               Massive               Debt               (MD)               :               For-profit               and               private               schools               using               the               budget
               problems               in               state               schools               to               lure               in               more               students               into               debt.

The               extraordinary               cost               of               going               to               college               in               the               United               States.

Retrieved               on               March               28,               2011,               from               http://financemymoney.com/massive-student-loan-debt-for-profit-and-private-colleges-lure-students-into-deep-levels-of-debt/
               Finance               my               Money.


Student               loan               market               created               a               tuition               bubble               rivaling               the               housing               bubble.
               When               banks               and               government               subsidize               markets               the               average               American               gets               an               education               in               debt               serfdom.

For               profit               schools               dominate               the               Pell               Grant               market.

Retrieved               on               March               28,               2011,               from               http://financemymoney.com/student-loan-market-college-loans-for-profit-education-pell-grants-debt-educational-outcomes-bubble-in-higher-education/
               Finance               my               Money.


How               the               Banking               Industry               has               Created               a               Bubble               in               the               Student               Loan               Market               and
               Inflated               Prices               in               Education               by               500               Percent               since               the               1980s.

The               $500               Billion               Student               Loan               Market.

Retrieved               on               March               28,               2011,               from
               Infoguy,               W.


List               of               Least               Expensive               Universities               in               America:               Cheapest               Colleges.

Retrieved               on               March
               29,               2011,               from               http://www.ranker.com/list/cheapest-colleges/web-infoguy
               Online               College               Accreditation               Meaning:               Regional               Accreditation               vs               National               accreditation
               for               Colleges.

(2011,               March               ,1).

Posted               in               Distance               Learning               Courses,               Distance               Learning               Degrees.

Retrieved               on               March               28,               2011,               from               http://www.job-interview-site.com/online-college-accreditation-meaning-regional-accreditation-vs-national-accreditation-for-colleges.html
               For               Profit               School.


retrieved               on               March               28,               2011,               from               http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For-profit_university

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