2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'university alliance online'|...a way of continuing to make a living as a writer during an online era. It still has many other unproblematic uses. iii) Judith Merril was...

About 'university alliance online'|...a way of continuing to make a living as a writer during an online era. It still has many other unproblematic uses. iii) Judith Merril was...

When               someone               mentions               the               state               of               Indiana,               certain               things               come               to               mind.

Well,               maybe               one               thing               in               particular:               corn.

Yes,               there               is               more               than               corn               in               Indiana:               we               are               home               to               the               Indianapolis               500               (which               is               the               largest               one-day               sporting               event               in               the               world),               Hoosier               Hysteria               (a               strong               tradition               of               basketball),               and               the               Angel               Mounds               State               Historic               Site               (one               of               the               best               preserved               Native               American               sites               in               the               U.S.).

Indiana               limestone               has               been               used               in               many               famous               buildings,               including               the               Empire               State               Building               and               the               Pentagon.

Brown               County               is               known               for               its               many               hills               and               lovely               fall               foliage.

Something               that               probably               doesn't               spring               to               mind               when               Indiana               is               mentioned               are               specific               foods               (except               that               blasted               corn!),               unless               you               heard               Bobby               Flay's               remark               that               our               state               food               is               the               corn               dog               (not               true,               Indiana               does               not               have               an               official               state               food).

The               non-profit               Indiana               Foodways               Alliance               (IFA)               is               seeking               to               brand               Indiana               foods               the               way               Southern               foods               have               been               branded,               and               make               people               in               other               parts               of               the               United               States               aware               of               traditional               Indiana               foods.
               The               IFA               was               developed               as               a               way               to               promote               economic               development               by               luring               travelers               off               I-69,               which               runs               from               the               northeast               corner               of               Indiana               to               Indianapolis,               which               is               located               in               central               Indiana.

The               alliance               has               created               online               "culinary               tourism               trails"               that               feature               food-related               businesses               around               the               state               that               are               locally               owned               and               operated               and               that               offer               traditional               Indiana               foods               of               "above               average"               quality.

Future               trails               will               include               I-65               in               the               southern               half               of               the               state,               and               U.S.

               Indiana               was               settled               by               pioneers               around               1800,               and               these               hardy               folk               subsisted               on               wild               game,               native               berries,               seeds,               and               other               primitive               foods.

By               the               1850s               the               state               ranked               high               in               the               farming               of               sheep,               hogs,               corn,               and               wheat.

European               immigrants               brought               their               culinary               traditions               with               them,               adapting               them               to               fit               the               available               resources.

Persimmons               were               made               into               pies,               fried               biscuits               became               an               Indiana               specialty,               and               preparing               pork               in               numerous               ways               has               become               a               well-developed               culinary               art.
               Breaded               Pork               Tenderloin               Sandwiches
               The               breaded               pork               tenderloin               sandwich               was               born               in               Huntington,               Indiana               in               1908               by               street               vendor               Nick               Freinstein               (whose               subsequent               family               restaurant               is               still               serving               the               public)               and               has               become               one               of               Indiana's               signature               foods.

You               can't               go               to               a               county               fair               or               carnival               in               Indiana               without               encountering               this               delectable               sandwich               made               from               an               oversized               slice               of               pork               tenderloin,               pounded               flat,               breaded               and               deep               fried,               then               served               on               a               bun               with               tomato,               onion,               pickle,               and               other               favorite               sandwich               toppings.

My               own               home               town               boasts               of               Mr.

Dave's               Restaurant,               a               locally               owned               eatery               that               has               received               national               recognition               for               their               breaded               tenderloins               (as               they               are               known               colloquially).
               Sugar               Cream               Pie
               Sugar               cream               pie,               also               known               as               Hoosier               pie               or               Indiana               cream               pie,               is               another               Indiana               "delicacy."               Ball               State               University               Business               Fellows,               working               in               conjunction               with               the               IFA,               are               lobbying               for               legislation               that               will               recognize               sugar               cream               pie               as               the               official               Indiana               state               pie.

It               is               believed               that               the               recipe               originated               in               Indiana's               Shaker               and/or               Amish               communities               as               a               way               to               produce               a               luscious               dessert               when               apples               were               in               short               supply.

A               pie               shell               filled               and               baked               with               layers               of               butter,               maple               or               brown               sugar,               and               vanilla-flavored               cream,               sugar               cream               pie               is               sure               to               satisfy               any               sweet               tooth.
               Onion               Pie
               Perhaps               better               known               as               a               Southern               delicacy,               onion               pie               was               brought               to               Indiana               by               Eastern               European               immigrants.

It               is               usually               served               as               a               side               dish               to               the               meat               entree.

The               pie               crust               is               filled               with               sliced               sweet               onions,               butter,               cream,               bacon,               eggs,               and               cheese               and               baked.
               Corn               Dogs
               Many               vendors               lay               claim               to               the               creation               of               the               corn               dog,               although               none               are               from               Indiana.

However,               the               humble               corn               dog               has               become               another               popular               Indiana               food               that               is               found               at               all               county               fairs               and               festivals.

You               can               buy               them               at               most               convenience               stores,               malls,               and               gas               stations.

We               have               to               do               something               with               all               that               corn!

A               corn               dog               is               simply               a               hot               dog               on               a               wooden               stick               which               is               dipped               into               a               cornbread-type               batter               and               deep               fried.

They               are               served               with               catsup               and               mustard.

One               way               to               enjoy               your               corn               dog               is               to               poke               a               hole               in               the               top               end               and               squeeze               the               catsup               and               mustard               between               the               hot               dog               and               the               crust,               although               us               more               genteel               Hoosiers               spread               the               condiments               on               the               outside               or               will               dip               them               into               condiments               poured               onto               a               plate.
               Other               Interesting               Indiana               Food               Facts
               The               first               commercial               winery               in               the               United               States               was               founded               in               Indiana               by               a               Swiss               immigrant.
               "Wonder               Bread"               got               its               name               and               colorful               package               design               when               the               owner               of               the               Taggart               Baking               Company               (founded               in               Indianapolis)               was               awestruck               by               the               hundreds               of               colorful               hot-air               balloons               that               were               released               over               the               Indianapolis               Speedway.
               Canned               tomato               juice               was               developed               in               Kokomo,               Indiana,               at               the               request               of               a               doctor               for               a               nutritious               baby               food.
               Weaver               popcorn               was               founded               in               Grant               County,               Indiana,               and               today               covers               thousands               of               acres               in               the               U.S.

and               Argentina.
               The               Sechler               family               pickle               business               was               founded               in               Indiana,               and               pickles               are               still               made               on               the               original               family               farm.

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    2013년 12월 2일 월요일

    About 'undergraduate programs online'|Undergraduate Online Courses Taught by A Fulbright Scholar

    About 'undergraduate programs online'|Undergraduate Online Courses Taught by A Fulbright Scholar

    If               you               have               always               dreamed               about               becoming               a               lawyer,               or               a               legal               adviser,               for               your               company               but               have               never               had               the               time               or               money               to               go               to               a               traditional               three-year               law               school,               then               you               should               consider               another               option,               distance               education.

    However,               if               you               are               considering               investing               your               time               and               money               in               a               distance               law               degree               then               there               are               several               issues               that               you               will               first               need               to               consider.

    The               first               thing               to               consider               is               what               type               of               legal               professional               you               want               to               be,               as               there               are               two               Juris               Doctorate               education               tracks.

    You               can               either               select               the               Executive               Track               or               the               Bar               Track.

    If               you               want               to               practice               law               as               an               attorney               then               you               will               want               to               enroll               in               the               Bar               Track               as               it               is               designed               to               prepare               and               qualify               you               to               sit               for               the               California               Bar               Exam.

    If               you               don't               plan               on               using               your               legal               education               to               practice               as               a               lawyer,               and               instead               intend               on               advancing               your               professional               career               with               your               law               degree,               then               you               should               consider               the               Executive               Track               as               it               is               only               three               years               instead               of               four               required               by               the               Bar               Track               program.

    The               Executive               Track               will               give               you               the               same               basic               legal               background,               but               it               will               not               qualify               you               to               sit               for               the               Bar               exam               in               any               state.

    For               the               purpose               of               this               article,               only               the               Bar               track               program               will               be               examined.

    Once               you               have               decided               on               which               track               best               fits               your               career               goals               you               will               then               need               to               determine               if               the               distance               law               program               you               are               considering               is               right               for               you.

    To               make               this               decision               you               will               need               to               evaluate               the               following               program               elements:               (1)               accreditation,               (2)               cost,               (3)               financing               options,               (4)               admission               requirements,               and               (5)               completeness               of               coursework.

    In               order               to               evaluate               these               criteria               this               article               will               provide               a               traditional               law               school               program               example               as               the               baseline               for               approval               of               a               distance               education               law               program.

    The               goal               for               you               as               a               prospective               law               student               will               be               to               find               the               distance               education               program               that               fits               within               you               financial               and               time               constraints,               and               that               also               closely               matches               the               standards               set               out               by               the               traditional               program.

    The               University               of               Montana               Law               Program               will               be               used               to               establish               the               baseline               for               this               discussion               and               will               be               used               to               determine               the               appropriateness               and               viability               of               each               featured               distance               law               program.
                   Accreditation               for               any               law               program               will               determine               if               you               will               be               able               to               sit               for               the               Bar               exam               or               not.

    If               the               school               is               not               accredited               or               approved               by               the               American               Bar               Association               then               you               will               not               be               able               to               sit               for               the               Bar               exam               in               any               state               except               for               possibly               California,               as               this               state               provides               alternative               methods               for               qualifying               to               take               their               exam.

    In               California               distance               law               programs               that               are               approved               by               the               Committee               of               Bar               Examiners               of               the               State               of               California               will               allow               distance               law               students               to               sit               for               the               California               Bar               examination.

    In               addition               to               this               approval               you               will               also               want               to               look               for               other               credentials               and               accreditations               that               will               attest               to               the               quality               of               the               education               being               delivered               by               the               school.
                   If               you               want               to               practice               law               in               a               state               other               than               California               then               there               are               four               options.

    First,               most               states               will               allow               California               attorneys               to               sit               for               their               Bar               exam               after               5               to               7               years               of               continuous               service               in               California               as               a               practicing               lawyer.

    The               second               option               is               to               enroll               in               an               apprenticeship               program.

    Some               states               like               Washington               and               Colorado               offer               an               alternative               way               to               becoming               an               attorney.

    You               can               work               with               a               state-licensed               attorney               for               a               state-determined               number               of               years               as               a               legal               apprentice.

    The               apprenticeship               is               designed               to               act               like               a               law               school               program               with               specific               subjects               that               need               to               be               mastered.

    You               don't               even               have               to               take               a               distance               law               program               to               use               this               career               path               to               become               an               attorney.

    However,               if               you               are               participating               in,               or               have               participated               in               a               distance               law               program,               then               you               can               use               the               knowledge               gained               in               these               programs               to               challenge               modules               of               the               apprenticeship               program               and               graduate               from               it               sooner.

    The               third               option               is               to               enroll               in               an               ABA               approved               Master               of               Law               program.

    This               degree               is               the               next               step               up               from               a               Juris               Doctorate,               and               usually               takes               between               one               and               two               years               to               complete.

    The               last               option               is               to               sit               for               the               California               Bar               exam               and               then               practice               law               in               a               federal               court               in               the               state               of               your               choice.

    This               option               may               limit               the               kind               of               law               practice               you               will               have               and               the               type               of               work               you               will               be               able               to               get,               but               it               is               a               viable               option.

    And               remember               after               five               to               seven               years               you               will               be               eligible               to               sit               for               almost               any               other               state's               Bar               exam.
                   Traditional               Law               Program               
                   The               University               of               Montana               School               of               Law               is               an               ABA               and               Montana               Bar               Association               approved               school.

    It               is               also               regionally               accredited               by               the               Northwest               Association               of               School               and               Colleges.
                   Distance               Law               Programs               
                   William               Howard               Taft               University               (WHTU)               has               been               granted               a               national               accreditation               from               the               Accrediting               Commission               of               the               Distance               Education               and               Training               Council               (DETC).

    This               particular               accreditation               does               help               to               guarantee               the               quality               of               education               that               a               student               will               receive.

    While               the               school's               website               did               not               mention               if               it               was               an               approved               program               by               the               Committee               of               Bar               Examiners               of               the               State               of               California,               it               did               appear               on               their               list               of               approved               programs,               so               students               who               graduate               from               this               program               will               be               able               to               sit               for               the               California               Bar               Exam.
                   Southern               California               University               of               Professional               Studies               (SCUPS)               is               approved               by               the               Committee               of               Bar               Examiners               of               the               State               of               California,               and               has               degree-granting               accreditation               for               the               Bureau               for               Private               Postsecondary               and               Vocational               Education.

    Like               DETC,               the               Bureau               confirms               the               quality               of               education               being               delivered               to               students               and               shows               that               this               school               is               a               viable               distance               law               program.
                   Northwestern               California               University               (NCU)               is               approved               by               both               the               State               of               California               Bureau               of               Private               Postsecondary               and               Vocational               Education,               and               the               Committee               of               Bar               Examiners               of               the               State               of               California.
                   The               cost               of               a               legal               education               can               be               daunting.

    Traditional               law               programs               are               not               only               expensive               but               the               American               Bar               Association               also               places               limitations               on               how               much               a               student               can               work               while               attending               law               school.

    Because               of               these               work               restrictions               law               students               are               required               to               either               borrow               money               for               living               expenses               or               cover               them               with               scholarships,               grants,               and               savings.

    Distance               law               programs,               on               the               other               hand,               are               a               lot               less               expensive               and               they               impose               no               restrictions               on               when,               or               how               much               you               can               work.

    These               two               factors               make               distance               law               programs               a               desirable               alternative               to               a               traditional               law               program.
                   Traditional               Law               Program               
                   The               U               of               M               law               school               costs               $9,453               for               each               of               the               three               academic               years               for               Montana               residents               and               $19,017               for               non-residents.

    In               addition               to               these               tuition               expenses               the               university               states               that               students               will               also               need               to               pay               about               $1,010               per               year               on               law               books,               $146               per               year               on               parking,               and               $582.50               per               semester               for               the               required               health               insurance.
                   Distance               Law               Programs               
                   WHTU               charges               $4,950               for               years               one,               two,               and               three               and               then               $5,400               for               the               fourth               and               final               year               of               study.

    In               addition               to               the               tuition               fees               WHTU               also               charges               a               $50.00               accounting               fee               if               you               utilize               their               payment               plan,               a               returned               check               fee               of               $25.00,               a               graduation/diploma               fee               of               $75.00,               and               an               annual               book               expense               of               $800.

    (Note:               First               year               books               will               cost               more               than               the               average               $800               because               the               student               will               need               to               purchase               a               number               of               legal               writing               and               terminology               reference               books               in               addition               to               the               required               texts.)
                   SCUPS               charges               $3360               per               year               plus               a               returned               check               fee               of               $15.00,               transcript               fee               of               $10.00,               graduation               audit               fee               of               $100.00,               and               a               Bar               audit               fee               of               $100.00               and               an               application               fee               of               $40.00.
                   NCU               charges               $2850               per               year               in               tuition,               plus               it               charges               an               application               fee               of               $25.00,               a               graduation               fee               of               $100.00,               and               an               annual               book               and               material               cost               of               between               $500.00               and               $700.00.
                   No               matter               what               distance               program               you               decide               on,               if               you               want               to               sit               for               the               California               Bar               Examination               it               is               your               responsibility               to               register               with               the               Committee               of               Bar               Examiners               as               a               law               school               applicant,               and               after               the               completion               of               your               first               year               of               law               school               you               will               need               to               register               for,               pay               for,               and               pass               the               First-Year               Law               Students'               Examination.

    All               testing               and               application               costs               for               fulfilling               these               Bar               requirements               are               in               addition               to               the               tuition               and               costs               mentioned               above.
                   Financing               Options               
                   Affordability               of               an               educational               program               doesn't               just               mean               a               lower               overall               price.

    It               also               means               there               are               payment               options               available               that               help               reduce               the               financial               impact               on               the               students               while               they               are               in               school.

    Payment               options               include:               federal               financial               aid,               private               loans,               grants,               scholarships,               tuition               reimbursement               programs,               and               school               sponsored               payment               plans.
                   Traditional               Law               Program               
                   68%               of               U               of               M               students               use               some               form               of               financial               assistance.

    The               U               of               M               School               of               Law               utilizes               federal               financial               aid,               scholarships,               grants,               loans               and               work-study               programs,               and               special               financing               through               local               lenders.
                   Distance               Law               Programs               
                   WHTU               offers               several               financing               options.

    First               if               you               have               a               graduate               degree,               a               CPA's               license,               or               if               you               are               in               the               field               of               law               enforcement,               then               the               university               will               offer               you               a               grant               equal               to               about               10%               of               your               total               tuition,               around               $500               per               year.

    They               also               offer               a               Partners               in               Professional               Education               Program               that               offers               tuition               grants               of               5-20%               of               your               yearly               tuition               expense.

    If               your               employer               does               not               belong               to               WHTU's               PIPE               program,               then               the               university               will               work               with               you               to               fill               out               employee               tuition               reimbursement               forms               if               available.

    Tuition               can               also               be               financed               through               three               different               options.

    Option               #1               is               short-term               in-house               financing.

    This               option               requires               a               30%               deposit               and               5               to               12               monthly               installments               to               cover               the               remaining               balance.

    Option               #2               spreads               the               payment               out               over               10               years               and               covers               up               to               100%               of               the               cost               of               your               education.

    This               option               is               financed               through               Wells               Fargo               Bank.

    Finally               WHTU               is               an               approved               Sallie               Mae               lender               participant.

    Again               100%               of               your               tuition               and               books               can               be               financed               through               SLM               Financial               Company               with               a               repayment               schedule               of               15               years.
                   SCUPS               has               three               payment               plans.

    Payment               Plan               #1               is               simply               payment               in               full               prior               to               the               beginning               of               the               semester.

    You               should               check               with               the               school               to               see               if               this               option               offers               a               discount.

    Payment               Plan               #2               is               an               in-house               monthly               payment               plan.

    Students               who               select               this               option               will               need               to               make               a               $500               down               payment               and               then               make               11               consecutive               monthly               payments               of               $260.

    If               these               options               don't               work               for               you               then               Sallie               Mae               may               be               able               to               offer               you               an               educational               loan               with               a               15               year               repayment               period               with               interest               rates               of               Prime               +               1.0%.
                   NCU               only               offers               one               financing               option               in               lieu               of               payment               in               full,               and               that               is               tuition               paid               in               10               equal               monthly               installments.
                   Admission               Requirements               
                   Normally               admission               into               a               traditional               law               program               is               very               competitive               and               requires               good               grades,               participation               in               extracurricular               activities,               work               experiences,               and               minimal               scores               on               the               LSAT.

    However,               distance               law               programs               are               not               as               difficult               to               enter               and               usually               don't               require               taking               the               LSAT.
                   Tradition               Law               Program               
                   The               U               of               M               looks               at               many               things               when               selecting               their               80               incoming               law               students:               (1)               general               undergraduate               academic               record,               (2)               LSAT               score,               (3)               writing               ability,               (4)               trend               in               undergraduate               grades,               (4)               quality               of               work               in               difficult               courses,               (5)               ability               to               overcome               obstacles,               and               (6)               your               life               experience.
                   Distance               Law               Programs               
                   WHTU               requires               that               incoming               students               have:               (1)               a               full-time               job,               and               (2)               an               Associates               or               Bachelors               degree               from               an               accredited               educational               institution.
                   SCUPS               requires               that               its               incoming               students               to               have               an               Associates               or               Bachelors               degree               from               an               accredited               educational               institution,               and               have               a               minimum               g.p.a.

    of               2.7.
                   NCU               entering               law               students               must               have               at               least               60               undergraduate               credits               from               an               accredited               educational               institution               or               have               passed               CLEP               exams               approved               by               the               California               Committee               of               Bar               Examiners               that               matches               this               credit               requirement.
                   In               order               to               make               sure               that               the               distance               law               program               that               you               have               selected               will               provide               you               with               the               legal               education               background               you               need               to               successfully               pass               the               Bar               exam               and               to               successfully               transition               from               a               law               student               to               a               legal               professional.

    To               do               this               you               should               compare               the               coursework               required               in               a               traditional               law               program               with               those               outlined               in               your               distance               law               program.
                   Traditional               Law               Program
                   U               of               M:�               
                   (1)               Civil               Procedures               
                   (2)               Criminal               Law               and               Procedures               
                   (3)               Pretrial               Advocacy               
                   (4)               Contracts               
                   (5)               Legal               Research               
                   (6)               Legal               Analysis               
                   (7)               Business               Transactions               
                   (8)               Business               Organization               
                   (9)               Constitutional               Law               
                   (10)               Evidence               
                   (11)               Property               
                   (12)               Federal               Taxation               
                   (13)               Professional               Responsibilities               
                   (14)               Advanced               Writing               
                   (15)               Clinical               Training               
                   (16)               Electives
                   Distance               Law               Programs
                   (1)               Introduction               to               Law               
                   (2)               Contracts               
                   (3)               Torts               
                   (4)               Criminal               Law               
                   (5)               Criminal               Procedures               
                   (6)               Evidence               
                   (7)               Professional               Responsibilities               
                   (8)               Uniform               Commercial               Code               
                   (9)               Wills               and               Trusts               
                   (10)               Civil               Procedures               
                   (11)               Constitutional               Law               
                   (12)               Property               Law               
                   (13)               Business               Organizations               
                   (14)               Community               Property               
                   (15)               Remedies               
                   (16)               Advanced               Legal               Reasoning
                   (1)               Contracts               
                   (2)               Constitutional               Law               
                   (3)               Criminal               Law               
                   (4)               Property               
                   (5)               Torts               
                   (6)               Civil               Procedures               
                   (7)               Legal               Writing               
                   (8)               Wills,               Trusts,               and               Estates               
                   (9)               Uniform               Commercial               Code               
                   (10)               Remedies               
                   (11)               Professional               Responsibilities               
                   (12)               Electives
                   (1)               Introduction               to               Law               and               Legal               Writing               
                   (2)               Criminal               Law               
                   (3)               Contracts               
                   (4)               Torts               
                   (5)               Real               Property               
                   (6)               Remedies               
                   (7)               Criminal               Procedures               
                   (8)               Agency               and               Partnership               
                   (9)               Corporations               
                   (10)               Constitutional               Law               
                   (11)               Evidence               
                   (12)               Civil               Procedures               
                   (13)               Professional               Responsibilities               (Ethics)               
                   (14)               Community               Property               
                   (15)               Administrative               Law               
                   (16)               Wills               
                   (17)               Trusts               
                   (18)               Electives
                   After               reviewing               the               information               contained               in               this               article               you               should               have               an               idea               of               what               to               look               for               in               a               distance               law               program.

    If               you               are               interested               in               pursuing               a               distance               law               program               but               are               not               interested               in               any               of               the               featured               schools,               then               you               can               go               to               the               State               Bar               of               California's               website               for               a               list               of               California               State               Bar               approved               distance               programs.

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